Tacos in a Basket
- Tacos in a Basket. This special kind of tacos are sold in a very particular way. They are carried in a bike holding a basket with tacos in there. Then, when the cyclist-trader finds a good spot, he stands there and starts the selling. Normally, a good spot for the tacos in a basket could be outside of a building under construction or outside of an office complex. Tacos in a basket are normally small and a normal person could have about three or more. They come with different fillings like potato, beans and beef. Those are the normal ones, although you can find them with other fillings.
Tacos in a basket are known "sweated tacos" (Tacos sudados) as well because they are steamed when prepared. If you want to make them CLICK HERE to find a good recipe. Give it a try and don't forget to share with us.
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